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“Geology, alteration, and origin of Archean Au-Ag-Cu mineralization associated with the synvolcanic Chibougamau Pluton; the Brosman Prospect, Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada”, in A special issue on Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; part 1; Komatiite-associated Ni-Cu- (PGE) sulfide and greenstone-hosted Au deposits, vol. 107, Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2012, pp. 909-934.
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“Depositional setting of algoma-type banded iron formation from the Meadowbank, Meliadine, and Musselwhite gold deposits”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4; contributions to the understanding of Precambrian lode gold deposits and implications for exploration, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2015, pp. 55-68.
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“The structural setting and evolution of the Upper Beaver gold–copper deposit, Ontario, Canada”, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2024.