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“Toward a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Ordovician Hudson Bay and Moose River Basins, Northern Ontario”, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2016, vol. Open File Report 6323, Ontario Geological Survey, 2016, pp. 28-1 to 28-10.
, “Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Geological Mapping and Structural Re-Appraisal of the Banded Iron Formation–Hosted Gold Mineralization in the Geraldton Area, Ontario”, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2013, vol. Open File Report 6290, Ontario Geological Survey, 2013, pp. 58-1 to 58-14.
, “Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4; Lode gold deposits in ancient deformed and metamorphosed terranes; geological mapping and structural re-appraisal of the banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralization in the Geraldton area, Ontario”, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 58.1-58.14.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101421Geraldton Belt