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“Volcanic resurfacing and the early terrestrial crust: Zircon U-Pb and REE constraints from the Isua Greenstone Belt, southern West Greenland”, Earth and Planetary Science LettersEarth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 240, pp. 276-290, 2005.
, Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.2005499519217Basaltic resurfacingVolcanic resurfacingZircon dating
“U-Th-Pb fractionation in Archaean lower continental crust: Implications for terrestrial Pb isotope systematics”, Earth and Planetary Science LettersEarth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 254, pp. 127-145, 2007.
, Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20070410385990Isotopic compositionLower continental crustXenolith