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S. Perrouty, Linnen, R., and Samson, I., LREE-rich epidotes and fluorocarbonates in the Canadian Malartic district, Quebec, Canada: toward new indicator minerals for intrusion-related gold deposits?, Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 31. Vancouver, BC, 2018.
L. Bickerton, Kontak, D. J., Samson, I., Murphy, J. B., and Kallet, D., U-Pb geochronology of the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative - 2017 Report of Activities Volume 1, vol. Open File 8358, N. Rogers, Ed. Geological Survey of Canada, 2018, pp. 51-55.
L. Bickerton, Kontak, D. J., and Samson, I., A tale of two ore zones in the ca. 375 Ma East Kemptville granite-hosted Sn-Cu-Zn-Ag-In deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada, Atlantic Geoscience Society 43rd Colloquium & Annual General Meeting, vol. 53. Atlantic Geoscience Society, Fredericton, NB, Canada, Fredericton, NB, Canada, 2017.