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J. C. DeWolfe, Lafrance, B., and Stott, G. M., Project Unit 00-001; structural investigation of mesothermal gold mineralization in the Beardmore-Geraldton Terrane, in Summary of field work and other activities 2000, J. A. Ayer, Baker, C. L., Kelly, R. I., Parker, J. R., Stott, G. M., and Thurston, P. C., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2000, pp. 25.1-25.25.8.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2001-077720Beardmore OntarioBeardmore-Geraldton TerraneGeraldton Ontario
J. C. DeWolfe, Lafrance, B., and Stott, G. M., Project Unit 00-001; Structurally controlled mesothermal gold mineralization in the western Beardmore-Geraldton Belt, in Summary of field work and other activities 2001, C. L. Baker, Kelly, R. I., and Parker, J. R., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2001, pp. 17.1-17.6.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-045558Beardmore-Geraldton greenstone belt
B. Lafrance and John, B. E., Sheeting and dyking emplacement of the Gunnison annular complex, SW Colorado, in Evolution of Structures in Deforming Rocks, vol. 23, Elsevier Ltd, 2001, pp. 1141-1150.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.2001426685373Sheeting
V. Ispolatov, Lafrance, B., and Dube, B., Discover Abitibi, Gold Subproject 2: Geologic mapping of the Gauthier Township transect (Kirkland Lake gold camp), in Summary of field work and other activities 2003, C. L. Baker, Kelly, R. I., Ayer, J. A., and Easton, R. M., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2003, pp. 35.1-35.5.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2010-044274Anoki MineGauthier Township OntarioKirkland Lake mining districtMcBean MineUpper Canada Mine
D. Legault, Lafrance, B., and Ames, D., Structural study of the Sudbury Breccia in the footwall of the Levack Embayment, North Range of the Sudbury Structure, Ontario, in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting Abstracts, vol. 28, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2003.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2007-113475Levack EmbaymentSudbury Breccia
V. Ispolatov, Lafrance, B., and Dube, B., Discover Abitibi, Gold Subproject 2: Geological mapping and gold mineralization studies, Kirkland Lake gold camp (Gauthier and Teck Townships), in Summary of field work and other activities 2004, C. L. Baker, Debicki, E. J., Parker, J. R., Kelly, R. I., Ayer, J. A., and Easton, R. M., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2004, pp. 42.1-42.6.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2007-048239Amikougami Creek FaultGauthier Township OntarioKirkland Lake FaultTeck Township Ontario
B. Lafrance and DeWolfe, J. C., Gold mineralization during regional dextral transpression in the Beardmore-Geraldton Belt, Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario, in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting Abstracts, vol. 29, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2004, p. 140.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2011-059766Beardmore-Geraldton Belt
J. Bailey, Lafrance, B., McDonald, A. M., Fedorowich, J. S., Kamo, S., and Archibald, D. A., Mazatzal-Labradorian-age (1.7-1.6 Ga) ductile deformation of the South Range Sudbury impact structure at the Thayer Lindsley Mine, Ontario, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre, vol. 41, pp. 1491-1505, 2004.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2005-040923Elsie Mountain FormationLabradorian OrogenyThayer Lindsley Mine
J. Bailey, Lafrance, B., McDonald, A. M., and Fedorowich, J. S., New U-Pb and (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar timing constraints on the ductile deformation of the Sudbury igneous complex, in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting Abstracts, vol. 29, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2004, p. 136.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2011-059763Pinwarian Orogeny
J. A. Ayer, Thurston, P., Bateman, R., Gibson, H. L., Hamilton, M., Hathway, B., Hocker, S. M., Hudak, G., Lafrance, B., Ispolatov, V., MacDonald, P. J., Peloquin, A. S., Piercey, S. J., Reed, L. E., Thompson, P. H., and Izumi, H., Digital Compilation of Maps and Data from the Greenstone Architecture Project in the Timmins-Kirkland Lake Region, 2005.
V. Ispolatov, Lafrance, B., Dube, B., Hamilton, M., and Creaser, R., Geology, structure,and gold mineralization, Kirkland Lake and Larder Lake areas (Gauthier and Teck townships): Discover Abitibi Initiative, 2005.
J. A. Ayer, Thurston, P. C., Bateman, R., Dube, B., Gibson, H. L., Hamilton, M. A., Hathway, B., Hocker, S. M., Houlé, M. G., Hudak, G., Ispolatov, V. O., Lafrance, B., Lesher, C. M., MacDonald, P. J., Peloquin, A. S., Piercey, S. J., Reed, L. E., and Thompson, P. H., Overview of results from the Greenstone Architecture Project: Discover Abitibi Initiative, 2005.
V. Ispolatov and Lafrance, B., Precambrian geology of Gauthier Township transect;, Ontario Geological Survey, 2005.
B. Lafrance, Bailey, J., and Legault, D., A reappraisal of syn- and post-impact structures surrounding the Sudbury impact structure, in GAC-MAC-CSPG-CSSS Halifax 2005; abstracts--AGC-AMC-SCGP-SCSS; recueil des resumes, vol. 30, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2005, p. 108.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2008-004227
L. R. Jones, Lafrance, B., and Beaumont-Smith, C. J., Structural controls on gold mineralization at the Burnt Timber Mine, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Manitoba, Exploration and Mining Geology, vol. 15, pp. 89-100, 2006.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2007-008137Burnt Timber MineJohnson shear zoneLynn Lake BeltPool Lake Suite
L. R. Jones, Lafrance, B., and Beaumont-Smith, C. J., Structural Controls on Gold Mineralization at the Burnt Timber Mine, Lynn Lake Greenstone Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Manitoba, Exploration and Mining GeologyExploration and Mining Geology, vol. 15, pp. 89-100, 2006.
D. Lewis, Lafrance, B., MacLachlan, K., and Gibson, H. L., Structural Investigations of Millrock Hill and the Hinge Zone of the Beaver Road Anticline, Creighton, Saskatchewan, in Summary of Investigations 2006, Volume 2, vol. Misc. Rep. 2006-4.2., Paper A10, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy Resources, 2006, p. 11.
J. Bailey, McDonald, A. M., Lafrance, B., and Fedorowich, J. S., VARIATIONS IN Ni CONTENT IN SHEARED MAGMATIC SULFIDE ORE AT THE THAYER LINDSLEY MINE, SUDBURY, ONTARIO, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 44, pp. 1063-1077, 2006.
R. - L. Simard, Kremer, P. D., MacLachlan, K., DeWolfe, Y. M., Gibson, H. L., Devine, C., Lafrance, B., Ames, D., Bailes, A. H., Price, D., and Pehrsson, S., Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba (part of NTS 63K12), Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, 2007.
D. Lewis, Lafrance, B., and MacLachlan, K., Kinematic Evidence for Thrust Faulting and Reactivation Within the Flin Flon Mining Camp, Creighton, Saskatchewan, in Summary of Investigations 2007, Volume 2, vol. Misc Rep 2007-4.2, Paper 2A, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy Resources, 2007, p. 10.
E. Cole, Gibson, H. L., and Lafrance, B., Preliminary description of the lithofacies and structure of the Schist Lake mine area, Flin Flon, Manitoba (part of NTS 63K12), in Report of Activities 2007, Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, 2007, pp. 33-42.
S. M. Finamore, Gibson, H. L., and Thurston, P. C., Archean synvolcanic intrusions and volcanogenic massive sulfide at the Genex Mine, Kamiskotia area, Timmins, Ontario, in A special issue devoted to base metal and gold metallogeny at regional, camp, and deposit scales in the Abitibi greenstone belt, vol. 103, J. A. Ayer, Thurston, P. C., and Lafrance, B., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2008, pp. 1203-1218.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2009-020486Genex MineKamiskotia ComplexKamiskotia Ontario