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D. D. V. Leung, Tinkham, D. K., and McDonald, A. M., Application of Thermodynamic Modeling (Activity Diagrams) to Carbonated Ultramafic Rocks Associated with Orogenic Gold Environments, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 539-549, 2024.
A. Crépon, Mathieu, L., Kontak, D. J., Marsh, J., and Hamilton, M. A., An Archean Porphyry-Type Deposit: Cu-Au Mineralization Associated with the Chibougamau Tonalite–Diorite Pluton, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, Minerals, vol. 14, 2024.
A. Crépon, Mathieu, L., Kontak, D. J., Marsh, J., and Hamilton, M. A., An Archean Porphyry-Type Deposit: Cu-Au Mineralization Associated with the Chibougamau Tonalite–Diorite Pluton, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, Minerals, vol. 14, 2024.
R. M. Montsion, Perrouty, S., Lindsay, M. D., Jessell, M. W., and Sherlock, R., Development and application of feature engineered geological layers for ranking magmatic, volcanogenic, and orogenic system components in Archean greenstone belts, Geoscience Frontiers, vol. 15, p. 101759, 2024.
C. E. Beckett-Brown, McDonald, A. M., M. McClenaghan, B., and McCurdy, M. W., Evaluating the application of texture and chemistry of detrital tourmaline as an indicator of porphyry Cu mineralization: A case study from the Casino porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Yukon, Canada, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 262, p. 107469, 2024.
C. E. Beckett-Brown, McDonald, A. M., M. McClenaghan, B., and McCurdy, M. W., Evaluating the application of texture and chemistry of detrital tourmaline as an indicator of porphyry Cu mineralization: A case study from the Casino porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Yukon, Canada, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 262, p. 107469, 2024.
C. E. Beckett-Brown, McDonald, A. M., M. McClenaghan, B., and McCurdy, M. W., Evaluating the application of texture and chemistry of detrital tourmaline as an indicator of porphyry Cu mineralization: A case study from the Casino porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Yukon, Canada, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 262, p. 107469, 2024.
A. Pochon, Kontak, D. J., Iacono-Marziano, G., Gloaguen, E., Tuduri, J., Chatelin, T., Précigout, J., Rodríguez, H. Campos, Mollé, V., Gourcerol, B., and Monnier, L., Fluid inclusions in magmatic ilmenite record degassing in basic magmas, Communications Earth & Environment, vol. 5, p. 626, 2024.
A. Pochon, Kontak, D. J., Iacono-Marziano, G., Gloaguen, E., Tuduri, J., Chatelin, T., Précigout, J., Rodríguez, H. Campos, Mollé, V., Gourcerol, B., and Monnier, L., Fluid inclusions in magmatic ilmenite record degassing in basic magmas, Communications Earth & Environment, vol. 5, p. 626, 2024.
M. Tamosauskas, Ma, C., Haugaard, R., Lodge, R. W. D., Sherlock, R., Hamilton, M., and Marsh, J., Formation of a late-orogenic conglomeratic sequence in the Neoarchean western Wabigoon terrane, Superior craton, Precambrian Research, vol. 406, p. 107394, 2024.
M. Tamosauskas, Ma, C., Haugaard, R., Lodge, R. W. D., Sherlock, R., Hamilton, M., and Marsh, J., Formation of a late-orogenic conglomeratic sequence in the Neoarchean western Wabigoon terrane, Superior craton, Precambrian Research, vol. 406, p. 107394, 2024.
Z. Toth, Lafrance, B., Dubé, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Creaser, R. A., and Leybourne, M. I., The geology of the Greenstone orogenic gold deposit, Geraldton, Ontario, Canada: Structural controls, mineralogy, geochemistry, and geochronology, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 175, p. 106345, 2024.
I. C. Campos, Lafrance, B., Sherlock, R., Dunbar, P., McLaughlin, B., Kruse, S., Creaser, R., and Leung, D. D. V., The Magino Gold Deposit, Ontario, Canada: An Overprinted Archean Intrusion-Related Gold Deposit, Economic Geology, 2024.
G. D. Gissler, Monecke, T., T. Reynolds, J., Guzman, M. A., Ellison, E. T., and Sherlock, R., Microtextural evidence for the recrystallization of opal-A to quartz in epithermal veins: A case study from the McLaughlin deposit, California, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 169, p. 106105, 2024.
J. Mathieu, Turner, E. C., Kontak, D. J., and Fayek, M., Redbed diagenesis links district-scale mineralising fluids to Cu source rock in the Polaris Zn-Pb(-Cu) district, Arctic Canada, Ore Geology Reviews, p. 105916, 2024.
M. Pichavant, Erdmann, S., Kontak, D. J., Michaud, J. A. S., and Villaros, A., Trace element partitioning in strongly peraluminous rare-metal silicic magmas – Implications for fractionation processes and for the origin of the Macusani Volcanics (SE Peru), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 365, pp. 229-252, 2024.
X. Meng, Mole, D., Simon, A., Mao, J., Kontak, D., Jugo, P., and Kleinsasser, J., Unusual sulfide-rich magmatic apatite crystals from >2.7 Ga Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, American Mineralogist, 2024.
X. Meng, Mole, D., Simon, A., Mao, J., Kontak, D., Jugo, P., and Kleinsasser, J., Unusual sulfide-rich magmatic apatite crystals from >2.7 Ga Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, American Mineralogist, 2024.
X. Meng, Mole, D., Simon, A., Mao, J., Kontak, D., Jugo, P., and Kleinsasser, J., Unusual sulfide-rich magmatic apatite crystals from >2.7 Ga Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, American Mineralogist, 2024.
S. C. Mkhonto, Jugo, P. J., Leybourne, M. I., and Grobler, D. F., Using Sulfide Mineral Chemistry to Understand PGE Mineralization Processes in the Platreef, Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 683-712, 2024.