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E. Eshaghi, Vayavur, R., Smith, R. S., Mancuso, C., F. Justina, D., and Ayer, J., Density and magnetic susceptibility of major rock types within the Abitibi greenstone belt: a compilation with examples of its use in constraining inversion, Exploration Geophysics, vol. 54, pp. 647-669, 2023.
R. S. Smith, Naghizadeh, M., Cheraghi, S., Adetunji, A., Vayavur, R., Eshaghi, E., Hill, G. J., Snyder, D., Roots, E. A., Justina, F. Della, Fam, H. Jodeiri Ak, Mancuso, C., McNeice, W., Maleki, A., Haugaard, R., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Wannamaker, P. E., and Maris, V., Geophysical transects in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Canada from the mineral-exploration-oriented Metal Earth project, The Leading Edge, vol. 42, pp. 245-255, 2023.
R. S. Smith, Naghizadeh, M., Cheraghi, S., Adetunji, A., Vayavur, R., Eshaghi, E., Hill, G. J., Snyder, D., Roots, E. A., Justina, F. Della, Fam, H. Jodeiri Ak, Mancuso, C., McNeice, W., Maleki, A., Haugaard, R., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Wannamaker, P. E., and Maris, V., Geophysical transects in the Abitibi greenstone belt of Canada from the mineral-exploration-oriented Metal Earth project, The Leading Edge, vol. 42, pp. 245-255, 2023.
A. Godet, Guilmette, C., Marsh, J. H., Rottier, B., Tinkham, D., Malta, I. Siles, Rehm, A., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Hamilton, M. A., Ribeiro, D., and Beaudoin, G., Origin, nature, and evolution of the northern Pontiac subprovince, Canada: Insights from the intrusive record, Precambrian Research, vol. 396, p. 107169, 2023.
P. Behnia, Harris, J., Liu, H., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Naghizadeh, M., and Roots, E. A., Random forest classification for volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization in the Rouyn-Noranda Area, Quebec, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 161, p. 105612, 2023.
D. R. Mole, Frieman, B. M., Thurston, P. C., Marsh, J. H., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Stern, R. A., Martin, L. A. J., Lu, Y. J., and Gibson, H. L., Crustal architecture of the south-east Superior Craton and controls on mineral systems, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 148, p. 105017, 2022.
C. He, Li, J., Kontak, D. J., Jin, X., Wu, Y., Hu, H., Zu, B., Yu, X., Zhao, S., Du, S., Zhu, Y., and Tao, H., An Early Cretaceous gold mineralization event in the Triassic West Qinling orogen revealed from U-Pb titanite dating of the Ma’anqiao gold deposit, Science China Earth Sciences, 2022.
X. Meng, Simon, A. C., Kleinsasser, J. M., Mole, D. R., Kontak, D. J., Jugo, P. J., Mao, J., and Richards, J. P., Formation of oxidized sulfur-rich magmas in Neoarchaean subduction zones, Nature Geoscience, 2022.
T. R. C. Jørgensen, Gibson, H. L., Roots, E. A., Vayavur, R., Hill, G. J., Snyder, D. B., and Naghizadeh, M., The implications of crustal architecture and transcrustal upflow zones on the metal endowment of a world-class mineral district, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p. 14710, 2022.
S. Timmerman, Reimink, J. R., Vezinet, A., Nestola, F., Kublik, K., Banas, A., Stachel, T., Stern, R. A., Luo, Y., Sarkar, C., Ielpi, A., Currie, C. A., Mircea, C., Jackson, V., and Pearson, D. G., Mesoarchean diamonds formed in thickened lithosphere, caused by slab-stacking, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 592, p. 117633, 2022.
R. Haugaard, White, S., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Frieman, B., Meek, D., Zhou, X., Mathieu, L., and Ayer, J., Sedimentary processes, provenance, and tectonic control on fluvial sandstone geochemistry during Superior craton stabilization, Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent. Geological Society of America, 2022.
R. Haugaard, Justina, F. Della, Roots, E., Cheraghi, S., Vayavur, R., Hill, G., Snyder, D., Ayer, J., Naghizadeh, M., and Smith, R., Crustal-Scale Geology and Fault Geometry Along the Gold-Endowed Matheson Transect of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, 2021.
R. M. Montsion, Perrouty, S., Lindsay, M. D., Jessell, M. W., and Frieman, B. M., Mapping structural complexity using geophysics: A new geostatistical approach applied to greenstone belts of the southern Superior Province, Canada, Tectonophysics, vol. 812, p. 228889, 2021.
F. Le Pape, Jones, A. G., Jessell, M. W., Hogg, C., Siebenaller, L., Perrouty, S., Touré, A., Ouiya, P., and Boren, G., The nature of the southern West African craton lithosphere inferred from its electrical resistivity, Precambrian Research, vol. 358, p. 106190, 2021.
F. Le Pape, Jones, A. G., Jessell, M. W., Hogg, C., Siebenaller, L., Perrouty, S., Touré, A., Ouiya, P., and Boren, G., The nature of the southern West African craton lithosphere inferred from its electrical resistivity, Precambrian Research, vol. 358, p. 106190, 2021.
X. Meng, Kleinsasser, J. M., Richards, J. P., Tapster, S. R., Jugo, P. J., Simon, A. C., Kontak, D. J., Robb, L., Bybee, G. M., Marsh, J. H., and Stern, R. A., Oxidized sulfur-rich arc magmas formed porphyry Cu deposits by 1.88 Ga, Nature Communications, vol. 12, p. 2189, 2021.
Q. Masurel, Eglinger, A., Thébaud, N., Allibone, A., André-Mayer, A. - S., McFarlane, H., Miller, J., Jessell, M., Aillères, L., Vanderhaeghe, O., Salvi, S., Baratoux, L., Perrouty, S., Begg, G., Fougerouse, D., Hayman, P., Wane, O., Tshibubudze, A., Parra-Avila, L., Kouamélan, A., and Amponsah, P. Ofori, Paleoproterozoic gold events in the southern West African Craton: review and synopsis, Mineralium Deposita, 2021.
M. D. Schofield, Gibson, H. L., Lafrance, B., Poulsen, K. H., Marsh, J. H., Hamilton, M. A., and Jørgensen, T. R. C., Recognizing subsurface breccias in Archean terranes: Implications for district scale metallogeny, Precambrian Research, vol. 361, p. 106264, 2021.
M. M. Langa, Jugo, P. J., Leybourne, M. I., and Grobler, D. F., Sulfide mineral chemistry and platinum-group minerals of the UG-2 chromitite in the northern limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa, The Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 59, pp. 1339-1362, 2021.
A. G. Rehm, Jørgensen, T. R. C., Thurston, P. C., Gibson, H. L., and Lafrance, B., Synsedimentary rifting and basaltic-komatiitic volcanism in the Pontiac subprovince, Superior craton (Canada): Implications for Neoarchean geodynamics, Precambrian Research, p. 106204, 2021.
X. Meng, Richards, J. P., Kontak, D. J., Simon, A. C., Kleinsasser, J. M., Marsh, J. H., Stern, R. A., and Jugo, P. J., Variable Modes of Formation for Tonalite–Trondhjemite–Granodiorite–Diorite (TTG)-related Porphyry-type Cu ± Au Deposits in the Neoarchean Southern Abitibi Subprovince (Canada): Evidence from Petrochronology and Oxybarometry, Journal of Petrology, vol. 62, 2021.