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J. Jin and Copper, P., Origin and evolution of the Early Silurian (Rhuddanian) virgianid pentameride brachiopods; the extinction recovery fauna from Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada, in Time and life in the Silurian; a multidisciplinary approach; Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy field meeting 2009; proceedings, vol. 49, C. Corradini, Ferretti, A., and Storch, P., Eds. Societa Paleontologica Italiana, Modena, Italy, 2010, pp. 1-11.
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J. Jin and Copper, P., Species-level extinction and recovery of brachiopods across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary, Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada, in James Hall symposium; Second international symposium on the Silurian System; program and abstracts, vol. 2, [publisher varies], [location varies], International, 1996, p. 60.
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J. Jin and Copper, P., Microbially induced phosphatization of intercrystalline soft tissue in the Late Ordovician brachiopod Plaesiomys, Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada, in Evolution and development of the brachiopod shell, vol. 84, F. Alvarez and Curry, G. B., Eds. Palaeontological Association, London, United Kingdom, 2010, pp. 161-175.
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L. R. Jones, Lafrance, B., and Beaumont-Smith, C. J., Structural controls on gold mineralization at the Burnt Timber Mine, Lynn Lake greenstone belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Manitoba, Exploration and Mining Geology, vol. 15, pp. 89-100, 2006.
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T. R. C. Jorgensen, Tinkham, D. K., and Lesher, C. M., Zirconium mobility and constraints on partial melting and melt segregation within the contact metamorphic aureole of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury igneous complex, Ontario, Canada, in Geological Association of Canada-MAC/Atlantic Geoscience Society joint annual meeting; Illuminating the past 175 years, vol. 37, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2014, p. 132.
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