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K. Campbell Ross, XRD Structural Assessment of Peridotitic Garnet with Anomalous REE Distribution, Laurentian University, 2012.
S. Marlene Hocker, Volcanic stratigraphy, synvolcanic intrusions and controls on mineralization at the Archean Genex Mine, Kamiskotia area, Timmins, Ontario, Laurentian University, 2005.
J. - E. E. Wood Wicke, Volcanic stratigraphy, hydrothermal alteration, and geochemistry of the Archean, Heninga Lake volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Kaminak Rankin-Ennadai greenstone belt, Nunavut, Laurentian University, 2008.
E. Murray Lewis, The volcanic stratigraphy and alteration of the Schist Lake and Mandy mines deposits, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Laurentian University, 2012.
R. S. Poulin, A study of chrystal chemistry, cathodoluminescence, geochemistry and oxygen isotopes in scheelite: application towards discrimintang among differing ore deposit systems, Laurentian University, 2016.
D. Thomas Lewis, Structural investigations of the Hidden Lake Syncline and the hinge zone of the Beaver Road Anticline, Creighton, Saskatchewan, Laurentian University, 2011.
J. Mukwakwami, Structural controls of Ni-Cu PGE ores and mobilization of metals at the Garson Mine, Sudbury, Laurentian University, 2014.
G. James Baldwin, The strathigraphy and geochemistry of the Rapitan iron formation, Northwest Territories and Yukon, Canada, Laurentian University, 2014.
K. Elizabeth Hahn, Sedimentology, stratigraphy, geochemistry, geochemistry and diagenesis of giant lacustrine carbonate seep mounds (Ikpiarjuk Formation), Mesoproterozoic Borden Basin, Nunavut, Actic Canada, Laurentian University, 2016.
G. James Baldwin, The Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Banded Iron Formations of the Deloro Assemblage, Bartlett Dome area, Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada: Implications for BIF deposition and greenstone belt formation, Laurentian University, 2009.
S. M. J. Cook, Rock type classification using MGM peak-fitting analysis of hyperspectral reflectance spectra (0.35--2.50mum), Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Laurentian University, 2006.
R. Wilfred Da Lodge, Regional volcanogenic massive sulphide metallogeny of the neoarchean greenstone belt assemblages on the northwest margin of the Wawa subprovince, Superior province, Laurentian University, 2013.
O. Folajimi Olaniyan, Regional geophysical investigation of the Sudbury structure, Laurentian University, 2014.
S. Lanteigne, Processes at the mineral-water interface in the acid soils of the Sudbury area, Laurentian University, 2013.
E. Bazilevskaya, Primary and secondary textures of Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization in the Katinniq Member of the Raglan Formation, Cape Smith Belt, New Québec, Laurentian University, 2009.
M. Jacqueline Richard, Pollen analysis of a sediment core from Kelly Lake, Sudbury, Canada, Laurentian University, 2006.
C. Marie Jean Somers, The Pitarilla, silver-zinc-lead deposit, Sierra Madre Occidental: A reconstruction of its volcano-sedimentary environment, a description of its mineralization and alteration styles, and petrogenesis of its Eocene and Oligocene volcanic strata, Laurentian University, 2010.
J. Nicole Caplette, Phytoavailability, mobility, and solid-phase speciation of antimony (Sb) and lead (Pb) in brunisolic soils surrounding a Pb-Zn smelting complex, Trail, British Columbia, Canada, Laurentian University, 2017.
M. Yvonne Dewolfe, Physical volcanology, petrology and tectonic setting of intermediate and mafic volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) district, Manitoba, Canada: growth of a Paleoproterozoic juvenile arc, Laurentian University, 2008.
L. A. Richan, The physical volcanology and petrogenesis of Archean komatiitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks in the Selkirk Bay area, Prince Albert greenstone belt, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, Laurentian University, 2013.
V. Taranovic, Physical Volcanology and Metallogenesis of Komatiite-Associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) Mineralization in the C Zone, Bannockburn Township, Ontario, Laurentian University, 2009.
R. Nordin, Petrography and alteration at the Tyranite gold property, Ontario, Canada, Laurentian University, 1990.
M. Kolaj, Novel electromagnetic surveying and interpretation methods for improved near surface characterization and deep exploration, Laurentian University, 2015.
B. C. Leonard, A new technique to identify and quantify host rock alteration associated with Archean volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits, Laurentian University, 2007.
J. Lymbumer, A multiple transmitter/receiver electromagnetic system, Laurentian University, 2013.